Our Promise:
To be academically excellent and authentically Catholic, while actively serving our students and their families.
To provide for the continued formation of the Christian person in a unique environment in which students, teachers, and parents experience the presence and divine guidance of the Holy Spirit. The environment stimulates and promotes a community of believers and learners in the spirit of Jesus Christ as experienced in the Catholic Church and lived out as active citizens in today's society.
To provide opportunities for our students and staff to employ the intercession of our patroness - Mary, the Mother of God - in their daily educational activities.
To employ highly qualified teachers and administrators personally committed to their faith and dedication to sharing and passing on this faith. As enthusiastic advocates of their profession, they impart to their students the love of learning.
To provide resources, which stimulate individual growth and integrity in consonance with Christian ideals.
To provide facilities for Immaculate Conception Catholic School, which are supported by St. Mark and Immaculate Conception Parishes in Argyle and Denton (respectively), and the Diocese of Fort Worth
As a result, students and teachers are drawn to live the Gospel message, unite in worship, respond to the needs of the community with fellowship and social justice, and serve others through the sharing of their spiritual gifts and temporal goods for the better of all.
The school day begins and ends with school-wide prayer. Rosaries and prayers take place within classrooms. Religion is permeated throughout the curriculum, whether an upper school literature selection is used to discuss religion, in Social Studies classes, or in discussions on how to get along with others.
Students attend Mass weekly and have the opportunity for Reconciliation during Advent and Lent. All of our students are actively guided to live their daily lives and all interactions in light of the teachings of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. With the Catechism as our foundation, our teachers create a culture of mutual respect and personal responsibility for all students to embrace their faith and independently embrace the grace it imparts.
Service: We are a community that serves! Classrooms and school-wide service projects are planned throughout the year. We have a long-standing relationship with Loreto House and Our Daily Bread/Monsignor King Outreach Center
Upper School students are required to complete service hours:
8th Grade: 20 hours
7th Grade: 10 hours
6th Grade 6 hours